Som Energia
Som Energia
Som Energia was the first energy cooperative established in Spain. The cooperative was founded by 150 citizens in 2010. Today, Som Energia has nearly 82.000 members. and more than nine thousand members invested a total of €26,462,000 in the project. The cooperative is also promoting renewable energy throughout collective purchases of PV panels among their cooperative members.
The Spanish pilot will focus on testing the tools related to the load shifting of in-home devices as well as PV production forecasting, dynamic pricing, user interface and management tools. The Spanish pilot site will have at least 25 prosumers with on-site PV generation and with controllable long lifecycle devices available, such as electrical vehicles.
Interview with the Spanish pilot site manager
Jairo Echàve (Som Energia) explains how the REScoopVPP tools support their cooperative and members!
REScoopVPP community tools being tested
Som Energia aims to strengthen citizens’ grip on innovative services in the energy sector. By co-developing flexibility tools among cooperatives, the ownership of those solutions will stay closer to the final user.
Optimise self-consumption
Som Energia supports 25 cooperative members that have solar panels on their roof, to optimise their energy consumption, by using electricity at moments when their own solar panels are producing it.
Monitor energy use
The members have access to an energy monitoring dashboard that visualises the consumption and production of their household. Insights of the energy use at the community level are also be available.
Reduce energy costs
Som Energia supports the members in their energy cost optimization, in order to reduce exposure to high electricity prices, as well as, benefit from low electricity prices.
Som Energia tests tools for forecasting the consumption of all Som Energia members together and investigates how to benefit from flexibility at the level of the cooperative.
Group purchases of solar panels
Collective PV purchases are a step forward to help Som Energia's members to move from passive consumers to active prosumers.
However, this is not the end of the road. Som Energia is looking to help prosumers to actively monitor their energy performance and to better use their energy resources.
The REScoopVPP's COFY box is an added value for the PV collective purchases by reducing the payback period of the citizen's investment in PV self consumption. This will encourage more people to participate in the group purchase.
Making another step towards the energy transition
In order to phase out fossil fuels, we need to move one step forward and speed up the electrification of the mobility and the heating sector. This will increase citizens’ electricity consumption in their homes, due to the adoption of electric vehicles and heat pumps.
Within this context, REScoopVPP provides opportunities for Som Energia and its members. Thanks to these new flexibility services, the cooperative will be able to set up a whole range of new activities and enable its members to increase their renewable consumption to further move towards sustainable lifestyles!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nº893240
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