REScoopVPP works with 12 partners to achieve its goals
The majority of the REScoopVPP consortium are a renewable energy cooperative (REScoop) or a federation of REScoops. Therefore the REScoopVPP consortium benefits from a diverse group of cooperatives with a strong relation with their members.
Founded in 2017, SNAP! is a boutique innovation consultancy company based in Lisbon, Portugal. SNAP! is specialized in consulting, accelerating and funding the development of disruptive innovation at European and International scale.
SNAP! accumulates the knowledge of several years of experience in mastering the European support framework for innovative Startups and SMEs.
SNAP! has supported several cutting-edge start-ups and SMEs in Portugal, the UK and Belgium in diverse areas such as energy, environment, materials engineering, IT, etc.Innovation manager
EnergieID cvba-so was founded in 2014 as a cooperative with social finality under Belgian law. The organisation is active in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Italy and has one main goal: contribute to the transition to an environmentally sustainable, socially just and economically stable society by setting up services in the field of information technology.
EnergieID has set up a SaaS-platform to help families and organisations to manage their energy and water consumption as well as their transport kilometres, waste and renewable energy production. Users can create an account for free, compare their consumption with similar user profiles and can share their data with the service providers of their choice. Meter readings can be entered manually or automatically by compatible smart energy devices.Communication and Exploitation Manager
REScoop.eu is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives. We are a growing network of 1.500 European energy cooperatives and their 1.000.000 citizens who are active in the energy transition. Through REScoop.eu they wish to make their voices heard in the European energy debate. Energy cooperatives put citizens at the heart of the energy transition. They after all are the ones who will be paying for it. REScoop.eu empowers energy cooperatives, supports them on issues like IT, financing and e-mobility and represents their interest towards EU policy makers. REScoop.eu is a non-profit association based in Brussels and employs 10 people.
Carbon Co-op is an energy services co-operative based in the Greater Manchester city region in the UK which was setup in 2006 and constituted in 2011. Originally founded to undertake deep renovation of homes, it has now expanded its efforts into the area of smart energy and flexibility with the aim of becoming a combined aggregator/ESCO. It’s over 200 members and 11 staff work collectively to reduce their carbon emissions and promote carbon reduction measures to their communities across the North West of England.
Launched in 2005 by French ecological and ethical business organizations,
Enercoop is a cooperative supplier of 100% green electricity. Based on the cooperative model, Enercoop is able to gather among its members producers and consumers of green electricity as well as key partners and local public entities; all willing to work together to promote renewable energy and rational energy use.Today, the cooperative has a total of 41.000 members, and 77.000 consumers. Enercoop supplies electricity to both individual and business clients, as well as local authorities. Today, Enercoop aggregates the portfolio of more than 246 different local producers of renewable energy in France.
Som Energia is a non-profit renewable energy production and retailer cooperative with the goal to build a renewable energy model in the hands of citizens through participation and transparency. With almost 10 years of existence, it already has 68,000 members throughout the state and more than 120,000 electricity contracts. Additionally, Som Energia also eager to help our members reduce their energy consumption using novel ICT tools and promote self-consumption by coordinating PV collective purchases.
Ecopower cvba is a cooperative under Belgian law since 1991. The organisation has three main goals: Invest in renewable energy; Supply 100% green energy to our cooperative members; Promote a rational use of energy and renewable energy and the cooperative business model in general.
Today, the cooperative has nearly 60,000 members and powers more than 50,000 homes with 100% renewable energy. The cooperative supplies roughly 1.64% of household electricity in Flanders with 23 wind turbines, 3 small hydro power installations, 1 co generation installation and 322 decentralised solar PV installations on the roofs of schools, public buildings and houses. Ecopower is saving energy too: it has helped its members halve their electricity consumption from the grid. Half of their members have installed PV panels on their roof.
EnerGent cvba is a local energy cooperative initiated at the city of Ghent, active in the
region of East Flanders. EnerGent as a cooperative invests in energy production projects
and organizes several projects aiming to stimulate energy efficiency measures mainly at
residential level.Founded in 2013, Bürgerwerke eG is an association of more than 40,000 citizens and more than 90 local energy cooperatives and communities, based in Heidelberg, Germany. Together, Bürgerwerke supplies customers with renewable electricity from solar, wind and hydropower throughout Germany. The association pursues the vision of a decarbonized, decentral and democratic energy future in the hands of citizens.
The members operate more than 1,400 energy projects mostly on commercial, municipal and large apartment buildings using photovoltaic and cogeneration technology. Several projects have included battery storage and electric vehicle charging stations to support the integration of renewables into the grid.BBEn represents with its members more than 500.000 energy citizens in Germany. All
members are engaged as individuals, energy cooperatives or citizen energy communities aiming to push and strengthen the energy transition. Citizen energy stands for a renewable and decentralised energy system corresponding to democratic, social and ecological values.BBEn promotes these principles and supports citizen energy actors as initiators, developers, process designers and campaigners. BBEn bundles common interests and advocates on national and EU level to mainstream and upscale a decentralized and democratic energy system. Bündnis Bürgerenergie (German Citizen Energy Alliance) is pooling and networking citizen energy expertise, raising awareness and disseminating citizen energy concepts as well as advocating citizen energy on national and EU level.
University of Ljubljana
University of Ljubljana is a public autonomous educational, scientific research and artistic institution of higher education with a very rich tradition. Established in 1919, it is the oldest and the biggest university in Slovenia.
At the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the research and education activities in the Laboratory for Energy Policy (LEST) mainly focuses on various issues related to power systems planning, operation and control, as well as energy policy and electricity markets regulation. The main research activities are focused on renewable energy sources integration into the power system, optimal operation of distribution systems with large share of renewables and flexible demand, forecasting the availability of renewable energy sources and design of RES support policies, asset management in generation and transmission, and power system economics. LEST has also been strongly involved in solving real life problems for energy sector.
Ghent University
The Electrical Energy Laboratory (EELAB) is the main centre of expertise of Ghent University concerning the electrical and multi-energy aspects of the energy transition. EELAB is active in various fields of electrical power engineering: electrical machines and drives, power systems, power electronics, control of machines and converters, etc.
The UGent Building Physics Group (BFG) is contributing to the creation of knowledge on sustainable, durable and energy-efficient buildings with a healthy and comfortable indoor climate. The researchers participate actively in leading international organizations and research associations in the field of building physics.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nº893240
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