What we do
REScoopVPP gathers cooperatives across Europe to create solutions supporting flexibility services for energy communities: increased self-consumption, dynamic pricing and explicit demand response.
The REScoopVPP project aims to bring different initiatives throughout Europe together to form the largest and most advanced community-driven open smart building eco-system for citizen energy communities and energy cooperatives in particular. The main goal of the ecosystem is to enable end-users to lower overall energy consumption and to use primarily renewable energy whenever available.
The Community-driven Flexibility ecosystem (COFY) consists of a COFYbox that enables the project to make existing buildings smarter, as well as a set of community tools (COFYcloud) targeted at renewable energy cooperatives and energy communities to organise themselves as aggregators, retailers of renewable energy or ESCOs.
The cofybox is based on a Raspbery Pi and other off-the-shelf devices. Its operating system and parts of the COFYcloud are open source.
Among many things, the COFYcloud calculates the price of each kWh in order to shift consumption to the best hours.
The COFYcloud includes a set of tools for communities and their members:
- Personal dashboard
- Aggregated community data
- Forecasting for communities (ENDA)
- Future price matrix
- Powershaper OpenADR flex
Our goal
REScoopVPP aims at enabling comfortable lifestyles while consuming only renewable energy and minimizing the CO2 impact of end-users. While this appears too complex for individuals, the organisation in energy communities enables to address this challenge collectively and in a trustful manner.
Project information
Project start & end date
1 June 2020 - 30 November 2023
€ 4 523 437,50
Grant agreement
ID: 893240
More info on European Commission's website:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nº893240
© REScoopVPP 2020 All Rights Reserved.