The Clean Energy Package has acknowledged the role of citizens initiatives under the term “Citizen Energy Communities'' and opened the way to new services like “aggregation” or “joint renewable energy self-consumption”. This is a great opportunity for energy cooperatives to pioneer smart communities to accelerate the spread of renewables and the decentralisation of our energy system.
The REScoopVPP project works together with energy cooperatives to develop and demonstrate a full cooperative smart community ecosystem. This ecosystem includes an open source smart home controller to make existing buildings more flexible and other community tools to support the different services offered by cooperatives to their members.
This workshop aims at getting feedback from our fellow European cooperatives and broader community on our REScoopVPP developments. During an interactive feedback session, participants will be asked about what the REScoopVPP ecosystem should offer for cooperatives and what services the REScoopVPP tools should focus on.
A second parallel will target the more geeky technology oriented participants, and will introduce the developed tools and related technology. We’ll show you how it works, what technology is used and where to start yourself!
Come and join us to contribute to our shared vision on smart communities and bring your techy colleagues!
14.00-14.45h ǀ Introduction session on REScoopVPP: where are we and why?
Introduction of REScoopVPP in the new landscape of energy services and outline of the project’s ambition. Reflection on enabling innovative services and open-source & collaborative tools.
14.45-15.45h ǀ Working on our ecosystem together: 2 break-out sessions
Interactive session 1: Open source & collaborative toolsIn-depth showcase of technology:
- Finding our way to home devices
- Cofy Box information and dispatching commands
- Anticipating consumption & production
Interactive session 2: What services for your cooperatives?
- Introduction to the session and pilots
- Informative services for end-users and communities
- Increase individual self-consumption
- Collective self-consumption
- Collective self-consumption, Mieterstrom
- Smart supply: dynamic prices and reduced imbalances
- Independent aggregation
- What are we missing?
15.45-16.00h ǀ Summary & conclusionSummary from the breakout sessions and conclusions and next steps.
This workshop is part of REScoop.eu's Annual General Meeting 2021. Thus, registration for the annual meeting is required to join the workshop. When filling in the registration form, you can select the sessions you want to attend – you can join the REScoopVPP session exclusively or you can also participate in some of the other sessions. There are two days packed with community energy webinars, talks, workshops and more!